Hello My Very Lovely Kittens!
Today is the day I do a really cute design that I think you might just like, so I hope you enjoy and I hope you have a great Independence Day!
What you need:
1. T-Shirt
2. Pipe Cleaners
3. Fabric Paint
4. Paper Plates (Optional
5. Foam Paint Brushes (Optional)
*Remember* Fill the shirt with napkins, paper towels or a piece of cardboard. Just in case the paint bleeds.
Step 1: If you get the shirt straight from the store, make sure you wash it.
Step 2: Get 4 to 5 pipe cleaners and bend them in half. Then follow the flowing pictures
Step 3: Take your fabric paint and squeeze onto the pipe cleaners. (Optional) You can put the paint on a plate and just dip it in.
Step 4: Press the pipe cleaners into the fabric. Pick up the stamp and rotate a little and stamp again.
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 5 with the other colors.
Make sure you let it dry and wait at least 72 hours before washing.
Added a little awesomeness!
Thought stars would look nice.
You can use the foam brushes if you can see to much of one color.
Yay! I hope you liked it and remember to do the poll to your right. See you next time!