What you will need:
1. One letter size sheet of paper. (8 1/2 inches by 11 inches)
Step 1: Get your paper ready.
Step 2: Fold diagonally in both directions. (As seen in pictures)
Step 3: Turn over and fold a crease crossing the middle of the X
Step 4: Flip over again and poke the middle so it turns in and not out.
Step 5: Take the side two triangles and bring them in to each other.
Step 6: Fold up the flap at the bottom in half.
Step 7: Take the triangler flaps and fold the up to the top point. Repeat.
Step 8: Fold The remaining flap inward.
Step 9: Turn over. Making sure the point it pointing down.
Step 10: Fold the first flip at the bottom at far as it will go.
Turn around.
Step 11: Find the middle by looking at the end, then fold each side.
Tuck into the pocket.
Step 12: Fold the top 2 flaps, making it parallel with the side edge.
Tuck it in.
Flip over! Now you're done!
If this was hard to understand You can watch the video below!
(The video was too big for blogger so here is a youtube link!)
Thank you so much! I will see you next time!